Following the latest updates on the evolution of the Covid-19 health situation, MabImprove and MabDesign have thus decided to virtualized this edition of the AIS congress. We will thus provide you a virtual event congress featuring online sessions, video virtual networking, poster session on the same dates of the event.
Multispecific Antibodies, Ab-like Molecules & Adoptive Cell Therapy for Fighting Diseases
The 8th Antibody Industrial Symposium AIS2020 jointly organized by the scientific society LabEx MAbImprove and MabDesign, the French association of the Immunotherapy Industrial sector, will be held the 22nd and 23rd of June 2020. This year edition will focus on a major theme chosen by the Scientific Advisory Board: “Multispecific Abs, Ab-like molecules and adoptive cell therapy for fighting diseases”. It includes keynote lectures, pitch talks around new creative projects, and industrial talks from big pharmaceutical companies.
Moreover, the program will allow opportunities for networking: companies to showcase their new products and technologies as well as dedicated time for business partnering.
Register early to the #8AIS2020 Congress @congress_ais to secure the best rates!
Submit your abstract to give a 10min talk at the Pitch session in the #8AIS2020 Congress.
To know more visit