The French Microbiology Society (Société Française de Microbiologie – SFM) is pleased to announce that the 16th congress intitled “Microbes” will be held from 23 to 25 September 2020 at the Cité des Congrès, Nantes.
Key Dates:
- Early bird fees end on 15 June 2020
- Abstract submission closing date : 30 June 2020
- Thesis prize submission deadline : 30 June 2020
- Photo contest, photos submission deadline : 9 September 2020
Please visit the website in order to consult:
- the welcoming address,
- the program,
- the planning
- the registration fees.
Call for poster abstracts
In order to shape the program, we urge you to submit online, as soon as possible and before 15 June 2020 the abstract for your communication. Important : the form is in french, if you have any trouble understanding it or filling it out, please call us at +33 4 67 03 03 00 Important : this year, the a poster prize is proposed for SFM members under the age of 35. If you wish to participate, please choose “Prix Poster” in the Abstract submission.
Photo contest
Tho organising committee is pleased to remind you that, once again this year, a photo contest will be held. Submitted photos have to represent micro-organisms studied by the participant.
Photos, that can be edited, have to be sent before 9 September 2019, midnight to Please consult the competition rules here. This document is in french, if you have any trouble understanding it, please call us at +33 4 67 03 03 00
Thesis prize and travel grants
The French Microbiology Society (SFM) is commited to support young microbiologists by awarding travel grants, allowing them to present their work at the congress, as well as two thesis prizes awarded to original works in the field of Microbiology. You can consult the rules here. This document is in french, if you have any trouble understanding it, please call us at +33 4 67 03 03 00
The commercial exhibition will take place throughout the congress. As every year, it will be rich and diverse. Please consult the list of sponsors.