


Disease Prevention

Digital Health

Audit, consulting, evaluation of security products, training, incident response, R&D… In order to help our customer secure their digital environment, AMOSSYS offers multiple services wich can answer almost all of today’s security challenges. Thanks to the reliability of its interventions, AMOSSYS enjoys the recognition of the highest state authorities: IT Security Evaluation Facility (ITSEF) approved by the ANSSI and accredited by the COFRAC, Prestataire d’Audit de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information (PASSI-LPM) approved by the ANSSI, Certifier approved by the ARJEL. AMOSSYS is also accredited ELDAS evaluator for electronic transaction security.

Take contact

Type of structure:
Address: Bâtiment B, Immeuble Le Ouessant,
11 Rue Maurice Fabre
35000 Rennes