
New dental health application for Hemarina’s M101 molecule published in Scientific Reports research journal

15 September 2020

This demonstration of anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties
for treatment of periodontitis validates Hemarina’s technological platform
based on the oxygenating molecule M101, extracted from lugworm
Morlaix, Brittany (France) – Sept, 9, 2020 – Hemarina, a biotechnology company based in Brittany, announced today the publication of an article in Scientific Reports research journal (Nature Publishing group), highlighting proof of concept for the M101 molecule as treatment of periodontitis, in light of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This study was carried out in collaboration with the team of Professor Olivier Huck, from Inserm Unit UMR 1260 in Strasbourg.

A technological platform for oxygen delivery in the body

This new dental health application proves the quality of M101 as a true technological platform for treating diverse pathologies or deficiencies linked to insufficient oxygenation by delivering oxygen in a simple manner. The technological platform built on the hemoglobin molecule of Arenicola marina, known as M101, has already been successfully used in solutions to preserve grafts before transplantation. Over one hundred grafts have already been completed, notably in the context of OxyOp clinical trials.

Periodontitis: an inflammatory disease with multiple consequences

Periodontal diseases are inflammatory pathologies which destroy tooth support tissue (gum and bone) and are caused by bacteria which accumulate between tooth and gum. These pathologies are the main cause of tooth loss and have systemic consequences in the development of other pathologies such as some cardiac conditions. The marked anti-inflammatory effect of M101 and the reduction of cytokines could, therefore, have applications beyond the treatment of periodontal diseases.

“The results obtained are promising and could allow for new, innovative therapeutic options to emerge in the field of treatment for numerous oral pathologies, especially periodontitis” explains Professor Olivier Huck, professor of periodontology at the Strasbourg college for dental surgery.

“With this new application in the dental health area, we validate the concept of a technological platform based on our M101 oxygenating molecule” underlines Franck Zal, founder and President of Hemarina. In addition, he points out “Our technological platform also opens new potential pathways for other treatments requiring simple oxygenation in the body.”

Periodontitis in detail

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of infections origin which is characterized by the destruction of tissue supporting the dental organ. It is caused by specific, pathogenic and anaerobic bacteria contained in the oral cavity. The immuno-inflammatory response of the host is responsible for the destruction of tissues which support teeth (gum and bone tissue).

In its severe forms, it is associated with a 25% increase in the risk of certain cancers, essentially lung cancer (risk multiplied by 2) and colon cancer (risk increased by 80%) (Michaud DS, et al., 2018), as well as reduced quality of life. It is considered as one of the main factors for tooth loss.

Furthermore, a link was established between Porphyromonas gingivalis, one of the key pathogens responsible for periodontitis, and neurodegenerative Alzheimer’s disease which affects an average of 900 000 people in France.

Periodontitis represents a real public health issue and goes far beyond simple pathologies of the oral cavity.

Currently, in its milder form, periodontal disease affects nearly 750 million people worldwide, one of every two adults over 45. In its severe form, it affects 10% of the population of Europe and the USA, representing 100 million patients to treat in this geographic area (Kassebaum, et al., 2014).

M101 against periodontitis

Hemarina is currently developing a medical device based on its oxygen carrier molecule M101, in the form of a topical application to control development of colonies of pathogenic, anaerobic bacteria responsible for periodontal disease and to enhance the regeneration of destroyed periodontal tissue.

Professor Olivier Huck and his team at Inserm unit UMR 1260, in collaboration with Hemarina, highlighted the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of M101 for dental medicine purposes, more specifically by establishing proof of concept for treatment of periodontitis. This work was carried out in the “regenerative nanomedicine” Inserm Unit UMR 1260 directed by Dr Nadia Benkirane-Jessel, focused on developing innovative therapies to regenerate tissue destroyed by numerous pathologies.

This important advancement for Hemarina has just been published in Scientific Reports journal under the title: « A therapeutic oxygen carrier isolated from Arenicola marina decreased P. gingivalis induced inflammation and tissue destruction »

About Hemarina

Hemarina is a company founded in 2007 and headquartered in Morlaix (France). The company specializes in the development of universal therapeutic oxygen carriers derived from marine invertebrates. Hemarina has a technical & commercial affiliate in Boston (Hemarina, Inc.) and a production subsidiary for its raw materials located on the island of Noirmoutier.

Hemarina is developing a technological platform based on the oxygenating molecule M101with several products for medical and industrial applications, including:

  • An additive to organ preservation solutions: HEMO2life®
  • A therapeutic oxygen carrier: HEMOXYCarrier®
  • An oxygenating dressing: HEMHealing®
  • An oxygenating gel for dental applications: HEMDental-Care®
  • An additive to bone-filling materials: HEMDental-Regenerativ®
  • An input for industrial bioproduction: HEMOXCell®/HEMBoost®

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