
New member | Groupement Hospitalier Brocéliande Atlantique

18 April 2024

The “Groupement Hospitalier Brocéliande Atlantique” (GHBA) contributes to the health care of the population of a large area: the conurbations of Vannes, Auray, and the whole south-eastern part of the Morbihan.

It meets the needs of a population of around 350,000 in winter, and 1,000,000 in summer. To carry out all its missions, the GHBA strives to be at the cutting edge of medical progress, applying the most effective care techniques, thanks to a state-of-the-art technical platform with specific services such as intensive care and continuous monitoring, a state-of-the-art cardiology technical platform (intensive care, coroangioplasty, interventional rhythmology), a Neuro-Vascular Unit with intensive care, and a service for the treatment of chronic renal failure by extrarenal expuration. The GHBA is firmly rooted in the region, with strong partnerships in particular with the Université Bretagne Sud and the technopole VIPE, to foster innovation and the development of technologies that meet hospital needs.

Find out more about GHBA: