
ONE Study : New progress for transplanted patients

21 November 2017

ONE Study, one of the research programs of at the IHU CESTI (University Hospital Institute European Centre of Transplantation and Immunotherapy Science), is applying the innovative concept of cell therapy in the field of organ transplantation. A clinical trial based on this therapy aimed at limiting the side effects of anti-rejection treatments, has been running in Nantes for 3 years now where 8 patients are currently being treated.

Organ transplantation is now a standard treatment for many end-stage pathologies: advanced heart, hepatic and kidney failure, obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis and others. By December 31, 2016, 59,357 people in France had a functional transplant.

The acceptance of a transplanted organ is obtained via the use of drugs that inhibit the immune system of the recipient patient. This immunosuppression treatment is essential throughout the life of the transplant unfortunately also decreases the body’s defences against infections and can thus facilitate the development of certain cancers.

The main objective of “The ONE Study” is to evaluate the therapeutic use of specific blood cells to help reduce the immunosuppression treatment necessary for transplant patients, and consequently minimise the side effects.

International consortium

“The One Study” is an international consortium (Germany, England, Italy, United States and France) composed of 10 transplant centres including the Institute of Transplantation-Urology Nephrology of Nantes (ITUN).

The researchers met recently on October 18 -19 in Regensburg to discuss the results obtained and to consider continuing this collaborative study.

Visit the website.

For more information.