15 February 2021
- Faced with a health crisis of historic proportions and the related unprecedented challenges, the healthcare sector is once again demonstrating its exceptional resilience in the face of this crisis.
- While this has obviously impacted on their ongoing developments, innovation-creating businesses have stepped up to the mark and responded to the emergency by providing a raft of novel solutions.
- 2020 was also marked by strong financial support and investment in this forward-looking sector.
- As a driver of future employment opportunities and disruptive innovations, the diversity, agility and ability to innovate of French HealthTech companies will shape our future for many years to come.
- These are the standout markers of this latest edition of the Panorama France HealthTech produced by France Biotech
France Biotech, the Association of Entrepreneurs in Healthcare Innovation, presents “Panorama France HealthTech 2020”, an annual study of French SMEs and start-ups in the area of innovative healthcare technologies, in partnership with Bpifrance, the public investment bank, Euronext, the first pan-European exchange, EY, world leader in audits, consultancy, taxation and law, and transactions, and QBE, one of the world’s leading insurance and reinsurance operators, supported by the Network of Healthcare Competitiveness Clusters.