
Break through at Bio 2017: June 19-22 at San Diego

19 June
Schedules not specified San Diego

The 2017 Bio US will be held from June 19 to 22 in San Diego (USA).

This congress is aimed at healthcare professionals, working in the markets which are going from the diagnostic to the development of biomedicine.

The 3 themes displayed will be: immunotherapy, bio-production and regenerative medicine, as well as marine biotechnologies applied to health.

This event will be an opportunity to investigate on the American market – especially in California, birthplace of biotechnology and world leader in biopharmaceutical R & D; but also to approach others, who play a key role in the sector such as Canada and Brazil.


  • 15,937 visitors from 76 countries, 65% of whom have a decision-making authority (CEO, DG, Manager) and 49% have an “investor” profile.
  • 1,800 exhibitors.
  • 50 international pavilions.
  • More than 35,700 “partnering” appointments.
  • More than 800 speakers for 157 lectures.