In the framework of the Interreg Atlantic Area project Atlantic Ket Med, ALPhANOV
is hosting a webinar on Photonic medical devices for treatment and regenerative medicine on 17th June at 3pm.
Serge MORDON PhD, from BioTis Laboratory, will be providing an expert talk on laser scar healing technique LASH,
from fundamental research to commercialization by Urgo.
Raphaël DEVILLARD PhD, also from BioTis Laboratory will present a research on animal bioimpression.
For each intervention, you will be able to ask your questions to the speakers.
3:00 – 3:10: Introduction | Aniss HADJI, European Project Officer, ALPhANOV
3:10 – 3:35: Scar Healing by laser – from fundamental research to commercialization | Serge
MORDON PhD, BioTis, France
3:35 – 3:45: Q&A
3:45 – 4:10: Work on Animal Bio Impression | Raphaël DEVILLARD PhD, BioTis, France
4:10 – 4:20: Q&A
4:20 – 4:30: Conclusion