
Take a Deep Dive into the Irish Healthcare and Life Sciences Ecosystem

23 June
10.00 - 11.30 Online

Beginning at 09.00 IST (Irish Standard Time) / 10.00 CEST

09:00 IST: Welcome

Speaker: Eunan Cunningham, WestBIC, Irish Boost4Health project partner

09.05 IST: Overview of Interreg NWE Boost4Health

Speaker: Ria Hein, BOM, Lead Partner, Boost4Health .

The partnership, vouchers for Irish and European SMEs, opportunities for service provision, coaching opportunities for SMEs.

09:15 IST: Introduction to the Irish Life Science Ecosystem

Speaker: Alan Hobbs, Manager High Potential Start Ups (Lifesciences and Industrial), Enterprise Ireland.

Sector strengths, key players, the Irish healthcare system, opportunities for SMEs, service providers in the region and what they can offer SMEs.

09:30 IST: Understanding the Irish Healthcare System

Speaker: Martin Curley, Director of the Digital Transformation and Open Innovation at the Health Service Executive (HSE).

Open innovation in the healthcare system, transforming the healthcare system through working with the Irish Life Science ecosystem.

09:45 IST: SME Case Study: FeelTect

Speaker: Andrew Cameron, Founder and CEO, FeelTect, Developer of Tight Alright – the first wearable, connected-health technology for measuring and monitoring sub-bandage pressure during compression therapy.

09:55 IST: Q&A

10:00 IST: 30 second pitches from SME participants

10:30 IST: End