
Healthcare sovereignty is closely linked to industrial recovery!

12 November 2021

The key issue of the Plan France 2030 centres on restoring French sovereignty in certain strategic areas in order to boost the country’s future growth, through industrialization in particular.

The aim is to nurture the champions of tomorrow, particularly in the Healthcare sector, in order to develop and manufacture at least 20 biopharmaceutical products designed to fight cancers, emerging diseases and chronic illnesses (including age-related illnesses). It is also about being able to create and develop medical devices of the future within France.

For several years now, key Healthcare players in the Grand Ouest have been investing heavily in the research and development of biopharmaceuticals and innovative medical devices. Now, they are reaping the benefits of these investments: members of the Atlanpole Biotherapies cluster have distinguished themselves by their commanding performance following the Recovery Plan’s call for proposals concerning the industrialization of Healthcare products.

12 companies singled out as Recovery Plan winners

And that’s not all! Atlanpole Biotherapies has a raft of other projects in preparation, including ambitious plans for the production of biopharmaceuticals! If you too have projects to set up, waste no more time – get in touch!