From 29th May to 2nd June 2022, around 400 researchers from the world over will gather at the Cité des Congrès in Nantes for the 24th edition of the “International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences” (iSRS 2022). An occasion for radiochemists, radiopharmacists and clinicians to review the latest advances in their respective speciality fields and to share research on the development of nuclear medicine, with a particular focus on personalised strategies in the fields of oncology and neurology. Several members of the Nantes scientific community will be attending the conference.
Organised jointly by members of the scientific community at the universities of Nantes, Rennes, Caen, Tours, the Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer in Rennes and the CEA Paris-Saclay (Orsay), the Nantes edition of the International Symposium of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (SRS) aims to present a comprehensive overview of current research in all aspects of radiopharmaceutical sciences: from drug synthesis based on the use of radiation for medical purposes to clinical studies on new targeted tracers, including pre-clinical studies, in vivo biodistribution and imaging.
Gathering from around the globe, participants in the iSRS 2022 conference in Nantes will discuss the latest topics concerning the development of radiopharmaceuticals, including: neurology, radiometals, the theranostic approach, nanomedicine, the chemistry of Fluorine-18 and Carbon-11, the use of imaging in oncology, targetry, automation and microfluidics, therapies in oncology or bioconjugation technologies.
Focus on young researchers!
The Nantes edition of the iSRS conference is developing a wide range of initiatives targeting students and young researchers engaged in courses and career development in the area of radiopharmaceutical sciences. According to the local organising committee, “A pre-workshop for young researchers, led by young researchers assisted by more experienced scientists, will be held the day before the conference opens.”
These young researchers will also be able to participate in the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Olympiads, a video competition aiming to promote radiopharmaceutical sciences and technologies to the general public.
The organisers add, “Participating in this competition will allow young researchers to enter into contact with globally-established radiopharmaceutical organisations.” In addition to
regular scientific reports in the form of oral or poster presentations, PhD students will have an opportunity to present their research in a brief speech similar to the competition model “My doctoral thesis in 180 seconds”.
Lastly, the SRS will provide grants to young researchers from the Americas and Asia to help them cover the cost of their subscription and fund their visit to Nantes.
The Nantes scientific ecosystem is strongly involved in the development of nuclear medicine
This ecosystem includes research laboratories, specialised hospital departments, cyclotron, training schemes and establishments, and innovation-driving SME. In the space of a few years, Nantes has created a robust network of multidisciplinary skills and expertise dedicated to the development of nuclear medicine.
Academic stakeholders involved in nuclear medicine research and development, ranging from basic research up to direct patient care, now come under the umbrella of the Arronax Nantes consortium, which includes GIP ARRONAX, the laboratories Ceisam, CRCI2NA, LS2N, Subatech, the platform CRIP-Oniris and the nuclear medicine departments at the CHU de Nantes and ICO (Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest). The consortium seeks to accelerate multidisciplinary research through the promotion of interdisciplinary dialogue, making Nantes a world-renowned centre for research and development in the field of nuclear medicine. Arronax Nantes is a stakeholder in I-site NExT and works closely with the laboratory of excellence (LabEx) IRON, the SIRIC ILIAD, the réseau VIR du Cancéropôle Grand Ouest and the competitiveness cluster Atlanpole Biotherapies.
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