
Launch of a healthcare science and innovation partnership between Philips and Rennes University Hopistal that is unique in France

25 January 2021


To mark the launch of their science and innovation partnership, Rennes CHU and Philips have spotlighted three major focus areas: optimised care of patients presenting with Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVAs), artificial intelligence and the use of data warehouses for “smart” monitoring of patients in intensive care and sharing of ecosystems in order to work closely with French Tech startups. The partnership aims to promote the elaboration, co-development and broadcasting of innovation projects driven by the partners, and to strengthen the role of the Rennes CHU in terms of innovation and research at regional, national and international level supported by a leading industrial with recognised expertise in the field of medical technologies.



Rennes University Hopistal, which has gained national recognition for its clinical expertise and excellence in the areas of clinical research, robotics and interventional imaging, invests close on € 1.5 M annually in various internal schemes designed to promote innovation and research, in addition to € 15 M to procure the very latest state-of-the-art medical supplies and equipment. Philips has placed innovation at the heart of its business strategy for 125 years. In its 2020 annual report, the Boston Consulting Group ranked Philips as the world’s leading innovative medical technology corporation.

The initiative’s originality lies in mobilising all 4 complementary aspects of the partnership:

  • End-to-end commercial, technical and technological support over the 5 years of the partnership covering all the methods developed in terms of cross-sectional imaging techniques (MRI, scanner), interventional imaging (biplane and monoplane rooms) and monitoring.
  • Support of clinical research projects by high-level medical teams at the Rennes CHU (cardiac and thoracic imaging, abdominal imaging, diagnostic and interventional neuro-imaging, adult and paediatric resuscitation and intensive care, anatomo-pathology, etc.)
  • Implementation of technological and industrial co-development projects covering the partners’ 3 areas of strategic interest:
    • Optimised care of patients presenting with Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVAs)
    • Artificial intelligence and the use of data warehouses for “smart” monitoring of patients in intensive care
    • Development of artificial intelligence algorithms based on the latest opportunities of digital anatomo-pathology
  • Sharing of innovation ecosystems aimed at deploying industrial partnerships with French Tech startups.