Atlantic KET Med is the Interreg Atlantic Area project that supports SMEs and Start-ups in using Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) to produce next-generation medical devices.
In the framework of the project, INL promotes a webinar that brings together three renowned experts in the field of nanomedicine that will explore the medical application of nanotechnology.
Join the debate, and take the opportunity to connect with the nanomed ecosystem.
Meet the speakers
Ruth Schmid, Chairwoman of ETP Nanomedicine
Talk: Nanomedicine Today and Tomorrow
Short bio: Ruth Schmid is the current chair of the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) and a Past President of the Controlled Release Society (CRS). She is also Vice President Marketing at SINTEF in Trondheim, Norway, with special responsibility for the field of medical technology, including nanomedicine at SINTEF. She has an undergraduate education in organic chemistry and a PhD in physical organic chemistry from ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
Angel del Pozo, Deputy Manager of Programs Strategy – BioKeralty Research Institute
Talk: Magnetic nanoparticles for thermotherapy in solid tumours – The Nocanther case
Short bio: Angel Del Pozo generates new business opportunities for his company by trying to convert innovation in Healthcare, nano, biotechnology into new solutions for the patients. He leads the Safe-N-Medtech OITB and has contributed to obtain 8 FP7 and H2020 projects for his group in the last 5 years.
María de la Fuente Freire, Head of the Nano-Oncology and Translational Therapeutics Unit, Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
Talk: DIVERSA, Delivery Innovation for VERsatile Solutions in Advanced therapeutics
Short bio: Maria de la Fuente Freire has a degree in Pharmacy (University of Santiago de Compostela-USC, Spain, 2001) and obtained her PhD in pharmaceutical Technology in 2006 (USC). Maria was a visiting scientist in several institutions, as the University of Valladolid (Spain, 2003), the University of Kuopio (Finland, 2004), and the Institute of Biomedical Research “Alberto Sols” in Madrid (Spain, 2006). She was working as a postdoctoral researcher at the UCL-School of Pharmacy, London (UK, 2007-2010), and CIMUS, USC (Spain, 2010-2012).