
BIG DATA | “Ouest Datahub”, the first European platform for hospital data, created by GCS HUGO

6 February 2021

The first hospital data platform in Europe, Ouest Datahub will group anonymized data from six hospitals engaged in medical research. A groundbreaking approach to creating innovative research projects, developing personalized medicine using decision-making tools designed for clinicians and patients, and improving health surveillance through the use of Big Data throughout the Grand Ouest region.

Over the last 10 years, GCS HUGO has developed its healthcare data expertise through six data warehouses built by the CHUs of Angers, Brest, Nantes, Rennes and Tours and the Grand Ouest Oncology Institute.

Based on a common technology, e-Hop, organised within a secure network and led by an inter-regional team since 2015, these data warehouses currently provide an outstanding reservoir of anonymized data (reports, prescriptions and administration, pressing issues, laboratories, medical imaging, and so on).

This represents over 5 million patients, 6 million hospital stays, 130 million documents, i.e. 1.2 billion items of structured data that have been collected and optimized…

Ouest Datahub provides access to high-level analytical expertise at the six data warehouses as well as clinical data, in addition to a shared infrastructure equipped with data storage and computation servers hosted at the Nantes CHU, and a software environment developed by the team led by Pr M. Cuggia (Rennes CHU).

An exceptional opportunity to use artificial intelligence in a healthcare setting to further insight into certain diseases and to develop a range of high-performance detection and prevention tools.